Why do we fear Aliens?

I was watching a recent Series on Apple TV “Invasion” . And it really ground my gears.

For years the sci fi genre has been very limited when it comes to depiction of Aliens and the human perception of them.

Pic courtesy: Apple TV/Google

It almost always is a flight or fight response. Damn primitive if you ask me.

How come Aliens choose to attack us “now”? And would they be so dumb to enslave us when we are sufficiently advanced in terms of nuclear weaponry.

Just wind back to a 100 years in Earth history. When no one had any nuclear weapons and we were still wowing on black and white television and motion pictures.

Why didn’t the Aliens attack us then?

For a civilisation which is capable of intergalactic travel and is ahead of us millions of years in evolution it’s funny that they would choose a time when they “can” suffer a casualty.

Yes they would be aware of our presence the so called “earthian civilisations ” rooted in violence, greed and hatred of each other. Rigid belief systems encompassing religions, countries and even race.

They would surely be monitoring our evolution and taking notes on how far have we advanced in terms of overcoming racial/religious barriers and hardwired belief systems.

It’s sad and disappointing that even when we have organisations like CSETI actually in contact with benevolent ET beings. The mainstream depiction of so called Aliens is primitive albeit violent.

Pic courtesy : Google

The only positive outcome that they show is the world becomes one in fighting them agains an extraterrestrial threat.

Threat, threat and threat! Human kind has always been threatened by everything, by animals by nature by other beings . We have built enclosures to keep animals away from us. We destroy nature and natural resources for our greed.

And still it is the human kind which is threatened at all times. Sigh! What a joke humanity is.

Perhaps it’s our own insecurities and violent tendencies which we project onto aliens, believing that any extraterrestrial being would be a harmful entity.

Yes it could be that some alien beings are out there to get a pie of human kind for their own selfish interest. And who knows it’s not already happening? (Black projects etcetera)

But logically speaking benevolent ETs would far have overpowered or there would be some mechanism of some sort to cancel their negative influence or in worst case balance it.

The ultimate proof being that we aren’t already in shackles of an extraterrestrial race.

David Icke has gone into this depth of negative ET influence on earth. Primarily Reptilian races working behind the scenes to manipulate people and governments.

But he himself says that manipulation can work only if we CHOOSE to believe in the negative and operate from our negative tendencies such as violence, hatred and greed.

Human evolution will take many years to even begin to understand consciousness based technology.

And perhaps these movies and series are a proof of how far behind we are when it comes to understanding the universe and it’s nature.

For majority of us the universe is a big empty space with cold and hot physical bodies orbiting around aimlessly, sometimes looking pretty when they are captured in our telescopes.

What a pathetic and depressing picture of the sentient universe!

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